Jeff Atwood's user avatar
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
Jeff Atwood
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
21 votes

Questions about the *business* of photography: on or off-topic?

13 votes

Should legal questions related to photography be discussed on this site

11 votes

Can I repost my own answers on my personal blog without attribution?

9 votes

Is it poor etiquette to downvote without leaving a comment?

8 votes

Should we encourage responders to provide citations/references to back up their assertions?

8 votes

What's the best way to ask a "How do I achieve this effect?" question?

8 votes

So, uh, "" is a valid domain name....

8 votes

Is our community healthy?

7 votes

"Ask question" button hard to find

6 votes

Better Photo/Image Support in photo.SE

6 votes

Is it good practice to refrain from down-voting a competing answer to the same question?

6 votes

Accepting Multiple Answers

5 votes

Is the 'Nikon pronunciation' question relevant?

5 votes

Is it appropriate to ask for opinions on individual reviewers?

5 votes

If a question comes up that is off topic, but already has a good answer - do we migrate it?

5 votes

Are specific camera hardware questions on-topic?

5 votes

One year anniversary contest

4 votes

Let's take it easy on migrations to Graphic Design

4 votes

How to deal with "How much to charge" questions

4 votes

Missing link - URL filtering? Limits on #/length of links? false positive?

4 votes

The 'Electorate' Badge explantation doesn't make sense...

4 votes

Change required reputation to edit/close a question

4 votes

What is the meaning of a vote in the "Weekly Featured Image" questions?

4 votes

Can we have a migration path → superuser, graphicdesign, and video, please?

3 votes

"Do you..." questions -- a FAQ addition suggestion

3 votes

Please don't use community wiki as a flag for more-subjective questions

3 votes

Would book reviews be a useful aspect of this site?

3 votes

What do we mean by a "healthy community"?

3 votes

Why doesn't this answer qualify for the Populist badge?

3 votes

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